Bottles and jars are collected in big numbers from companies and organizations and from certain collection points for disposal from individuals.

The collected glassware then gets properly washed and prepared to be upcycled with very simple techniques in our factory to innovative functional products.
Then the cutting process is being made by hand using heat, marking the height wanted, the women start the process of cutting the glass evenly.

The grinding and polishing process comes next, on a spinning wheel with grinding discs, the women start to carefully grind each glass according to the roughness of the rim.
The last step in the process is determined by the design of the product whether The glass is plain or will be decorated and sandblasted.

We are happy to design a unique, socially and environmentally sound product with and for you.
We procure customised glassware for hotels, restaurants and cafés and produce customised merchandise, giveaways for clients and campaign materials for events.